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I love to travel. So far, I've visited some 30 odd countries on 4
continents and lived and worked in Sweden, England, and California, USA.
My favorite spots are Scandinavia (after all, that's where I come from),
the Alps (the most gorgeous mountains in the world), and south east Asia
(a delight for both mind and body), but pretty much every place you go to
have something unique to offer as long as you're willing to look for it.
Being born and raised in a photography family, I have tons of pictures
from my trips and I hope to have more of them scanned and entered here
some time soon. I also started writing travel journals a couple of years
ago, and will be sharing more of them here too. Be aware that they are
just that -- journals, written by and for me -- and that they may or may
not be interesting to you. However, they are part of my life and if you
have any curiosity about it after reading this, you're welcome to share.
 | Photo: Lövstrandfilm. Selected travel shots from the four corners of
the world. [Upcoming] |
 | Deep in the Heart of Africa, wild life from Lake Tanganyika
through Masai Mara to Lamu by the Indian Ocean. January 1987. [Upcoming] |
 | Egypt: A Journey to 2800 BC using Seven Modes of Transport
(Plane, Train, Camel, Bus, Felucca, Car, Boat, and Horse).
[Upcoming] |
 | All Around Thailand in
15 Days or Less (42KB, ~13p), a travel diary from a whirlwind
tour of Thailand in November 1993. [Photos upcoming] |
 | Through the Valley
of Death and Back Again (50KB + 50 images), a short journal from
a trip to Death Valley, California, April 1995. |
 | The Greener Grass (~50p), a longer travel journal d'un voyage
dursch die Alpen in three languages (med lite svenska med). July/August
1995. [Upcoming] |
 | Some pictures from my childhood home in
Tormestorp, Sweden.
December 1995. |
 | Hawaii on The Fly
(33KB + 46 images), one-way ticket travel to Maui and Kauai. May 1996. |
 | Good Bye Eating snake in Guangzhou, gambling in Macao,
and watching Hong Kong return to the Motherland while the sky was
painted red -- literally. June-July 1997. [Upcoming] |
 | Southbound Sails
(23 pages with 100+ images), a sailing trip from San Francisco to
Ensenada, Mexico. December 1997. |
 | Images from Whistler,
Canada (14 to be exact, no talk). A ski trip with Wendy, Stu,
Dianna, Corby, Mike, Mo, and Mike too. February 1998. |
 | Thursday's First
International Pub Crawl, 4 short days of drinking and eating in
Cambridge, London, and Paris. April 1998. |
 | L & H's Most Excellent
European Vacation, three weeks in England, France, Switzerland,
Sweden, and Belgium. July 1998. |
 | Chasing Shadows -- The Total Eclipse of The Sun -99.
Austria, August 1999. [Upcoming] |
 | A taste of Iceland.
30 images from three very short days in & around Reykjavik, Iceland.
May 2000. |
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