The Alps, July 1995


The Greener Grass...

Un Voyage
    durch die Alpen
        in Three Languages

Lennart Lövstrand
19 July - 10 August, 1995.

Hi. Welcome to my story. This is the journal from a trip I did to central Europe in the summer of 1995. Before you start diving into the text, I want to give you a little bit of a background to myself and the trip. I love to travel and what generally attracts me to traveling is the opportunity to widen my horizons and see new and wonderful things that I never even knew existed before. At the age of 32, I’ve visited about as many countries on four continents and lived in three of them for four years each or more. Still, everything has its price and the emotional cost of constantly moving about can easily become a weary sense of displacement. You might know what I mean. In simple terms, you could call it home sickness, although in my case, I’m not even sure where home is.

I moved to California from England in 1991, but it wasn’t until recently that I started wondering what I’m doing here and, more importantly, what I’m doing with my life. Having grown up in Sweden and spent many vacations all over Europe, I have many sweet memories of that continent. To help me decide on where I belong and to see if all those memories were real or just romantic illusions, I decided to do a pilgrimage back to the mountains I love more than any others: the Alps.

This is the story of that trip. To ensure that I wouldn’t immediately forget my impressions and reflections, I wrote them down in a blow-by-blow travel journal. They were written at the time and place noted using a little Psion 3a palmtop computer, no bigger than your hand. The 3A is a great little tool, and I ended up with some 50+ pages worth of typeset notes. Although they primarily are personal to their nature, I thought other might enjoy reading them too. In any case, it’s been a good exercise for me to put my thoughts to print. If you have any feedback or comments, feel free to send me them by Internet e-mail to, but most of all, enjoy!

Lennart Lövstrand
Palo Alto, California.

Now, onwards to Day 1: Wednesday, July 19, 1995!



P r e v i o u s H o m e U p N e x t