The Alps, July 1995 — Day 1


Day1: Wednesday, July 19.
San Francisco – Frankfurt am Main.

Lufthansa flight LH455, San Francisco (SFO) – Frankfurt am Main (FRA)

This is very cool! I'm sitting in a Lufthansa 747 on my way to Frankfurt and they are showing in-flight information on the video screens. No, not the usual "the life jackets are under your seat" and "oxygen masks will fall down automatically;" they've already been through that. What we see now are data like our ground speed (990 km/h), the outside temperature (­28 °C), and... the plane's flight path and current position plotted on a global map! It's updating continuously as we progress across the United States. Right now, we're over Carson City (highlighted below the map) and are continuing towards Boise and Canada. We've also increased our speed to 1010 km/h and had the outside temperature drop to ­38 °C. Very cool, indeed [sic].

This is the first time I fly with Lufthansa, but I have to say that I really like it! Sure, I wish the ticket would have been cheaper ($1400 return, ugh), but to be honest, I found the about the same price everywhere else. Instead, consider this:

bulletVery helpful phone agents
bulletSpeedy ticket delivery by mail
bulletElegant and efficiently designed material
bulletAutomatic credit to my UA frequent flyer account
bulletExtremely fast check-in (no line, no 20 questions)
bulletComparatively spacious economy seats (yes!)
bulletQuality headsets made by Sony
bulletPeppermint scented wash cloths

OK, considering that I've only been an hour into the flight, I'll shut up now. More later.

OK, so the food doesn't look so great, but what do you expect — they're an airline after all. At least it comes with genuine Roggen-Vollkornsbrot).
Actually, I take it back again. The food was quite tasty and the coffee black and strong. Ah, I feel like I'm back in Europe already! Deutschland, Deutschland... (And yes, the German bier was quite acceptable too.)
The in-flight movie Muriel's Wedding have just ended. It was cute in a non-sweetening kind of way and not without merit (3+). However, I've decided that German service is indeed without a merit. A little while ago, I went over to the pantry with the intention of acquiring a small gin & tonic. Do you think that the crew paid any attention to me? Yes?! Think again. OK, so I actually did get it in the end, but without ice and only after an — at least with American standards — inordinate amount of waiting. Bah, those Europeans... (Wait, I'm still one of them! I think...)
Damn! I missed Greenland. The in-flight information panel just came back up with our position: Just off the east coast of Greenland. Stupid movie. (Wow, it's really cold outside: ­52 °C).
A fluffy white blanket of clouds is shrouding the United Kingdom as usual. I'm feeling right at home. :-)
There is a seminude picture of Denise Brown in one of the German sleaze magazine. Apparently, it cost Hugh Grant DM 280 ($210) for a ten minute blow job. "You have very sensual lips," he's credited to have said. The title of the story is something like "Weak Men: Are Women the Stronger Sex?" I say, quality smut.



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