Att älska allt / To love everything


nattens melodi,
dagens solheta timmar,
kallt stormpiskat skum
i höstens gråa famn,
fjälltoppars slit,
ödemarkens tystnad,
stadens brusande larm,
människoträlars jäkt,
ensamhet efter dagens hets
vandra utan mål vi två tillsammans.

Till Greta
med en lyckönskan på
födelsedagen den 16.5.1951 från


the morning light,
the melody of the night,
the day's sunny hot hours,
cold, storm beaten froth,
in the gray embrace of fall,
the mountain tops' toil,
the stillness of the wilderness,
the roaring noise of the city,
laboring people's hurriedness,
solitude after the day's stress
we two, wandering together without a goal.

To Greta
with best wishes on
your birthday, 5/16/51 from


Thus wrote my father to my mother on her 21st birthday. And yes, they're still together today some 50-odd years later.



P r e v i o u s H o m e U p N e x t